News Flash

News Flash

How Do You Define Information Security?

Because we work in the tech world, we just love fancy names and acronyms. So, to help out, we’ve defined a few of terms you’ll find when considering your own Information Security – starting with what is information security?

News Flash

Why your staff needs Security Awareness Training

Human error is still the biggest cause of security incidents. Ultimately, security awareness training is an investment in strengthening the overall security posture of your business by making employees an active part of the defense against cyber threats.

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Developing a Governance, Risk Management and Compliance Framework

The Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) framework is a structured approach that organisations use to align their strategies, processes, and regulations to effectively manage risk, ensure compliance with laws and regulations, and achieve their business objectives. It involves the integration of governance, risk management, and compliance activities to create a unified system that supports decision-making

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What is an IT Security Audit?

An IT security audit is a systematic evaluation of your information technology infrastructure, policies, procedures, and practices to assess your current security posture. The primary goal is to identify potential vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and risks within your IT environment.

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