Essential Eight

An Overview

Cyberattacks are growing more sophisticated. As such, information and cyber security have become a critical focus for businesses and government agencies worldwide, and Australia is no exception. To ensure organisations are equipped to handle these threats, the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) developed the Essential Eight framework. 

The Essential Eight framework is a powerful tool for protecting you against the most common and damaging cyber threats. By adopting these mitigation strategies, you can significantly reduce your cybersecurity risks, ensure compliance, and safeguard their operations. Implementing the Essential Eight is an ongoing process that requires commitment, but the benefits of stronger cybersecurity are well worth the effort.

Essential Eight Mitigation Strategies

Strategy 1 - Application Control

What is Application Control?
Application control ensures that only approved applications and software are allowed to run on a network. This is a critical line of defence against unauthorized and potentially malicious software.

Why it’s Important
Controlling which applications can execute prevents untrusted and harmful programs from being installed, reducing exposure to malware, ransomware, and other types of attacks.

Strategy 2 - Patch Applications

What Does It Mean to Patch Applications?
Patching involves regularly updating software to address security vulnerabilities. This includes operating systems, third-party software, and productivity tools.

Why Patching Matters
Unpatched software is a common entry point for attackers. By failing to patch vulnerabilities, organisations leave themselves open to exploits, data breaches, and ransomware.

Strategy 3 - Configure MS Office Macros

What are Macros?
Macros are small programs embedded in documents that automate tasks within applications like Microsoft Office. However, they are also commonly used to deliver malware.

Why Macro Control is Critical
Attackers often use malicious macros in email attachments to compromise systems. Disabling or controlling macros can significantly reduce the chances of a successful phishing attack.

Strategy 4 - User Application Hardening

What is User Application Hardening?
This involves configuring applications to limit functionality that can be exploited by attackers. For example, disabling Flash in browsers or preventing the use of unnecessary plugins.

Why Hardening is Important
By reducing the attack surface, organisations can make it harder for attackers to compromise systems. User application hardening protects from common exploit techniques.

Strategy 5 - Restrict Admin Priveleges

What are Administrative Privileges?
Administrative privileges allow users to make significant changes to a system, such as installing software or modifying security settings.

Why Limiting Admin Privileges is Vital
Attackers often seek out users with admin privileges to spread malware or escalate attacks. By restricting these privileges, organisations can limit the potential damage from a compromised account.

Strategy 6 - Patch Operating Systems

The Importance of OS Patching
Like application patching, operating systems must also be regularly updated to address vulnerabilities that cybercriminals may exploit.

Why OS Patching is Critical
Outdated operating systems are prime targets for attackers. Failing to patch leaves organisations vulnerable to zero-day attacks and other system-level exploits.

Strategy 7 - Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

What is MFA?
Multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring two or more verification methods to access systems or data. This could include something the user knows (password), something they have (a device), or something they are (biometrics).

The Role of MFA in Cybersecurity
MFA significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access, even if an attacker has stolen user credentials. It provides strong protection against phishing and brute force attacks.

Strategy 8 - Regular Backups

Why Backups are Essential
Regular backups ensure that an organisation can recover its data in case of a ransomware attack, hardware failure, or other data loss events.

Importance of Backup and Restoration Plans
Even with strong cybersecurity measures, breaches can happen. Backups provide a safety net, allowing organisations to restore critical data without paying ransoms or suffering prolonged outages.

Essential Eight Maturity Model

The Essential Eight maturity model helps you assess the effectiveness of your cybersecurity measures. 

Each of the eight Mitigation Strategies is evaluated against four maturity levels which indicate how well you’ve implemented the strategies and how resilient you are to cyber threats. 

By identifying your current maturity level, you can prioritise improvements and address gaps in your cybersecurity defences. 


We’ll help you evaluate your current maturity level against each Essential Eight strategy. You’ll receive a report detailing the gaps together with a roadmap on how to become Essential Eight compliant.

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  • Maturity Level 0 (Inadequate): No strategies are in place or they are insufficient to protect against cyber threats. At this level, you’re highly vulnerable to even low-level threats.
  • Maturity Level 1 (Partially Effective): Basic strategies are in place but may not be consistently applied or configured securely. This provides some protection, but more sophisticated threats can bypass these controls.
  • Maturity Level 2 (Mostly Effective): Strategies are generally well-implemented with some minor gaps. Controls are more robust, but there may be vulnerabilities in certain areas or inconsistent application.
  • Maturity Level 3 (Highly Effective): You’ve fully implemented the Essential Eight controls, aligning with best practices. This provides strong protection against even advanced cyber threats.

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